                                        Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant

    Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurants  located in Baybay  Roxas City. Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant is 1/2 kilometer distance in Baybay Beach  and1 kilometer afar from Roxas City Plaza.To travel from Roxas City  Plaza going to  Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant it is almost 10 or 15 minutes ride. It is fast and convenient because of relatively a good state of road network. It is also near in Roxas City airport almost 1/2 kilometer.Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant is located in the Province of Capiz, Philippines which is known the “Sea Foods Capital of the Philippines.
                    Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant had 18 rooms and one cottages, Its had two cattering menu. The Menu A which  worth 170 per head-Plate Service and the second Menu is the Menu B which worth 240 per head-Plate Service for any events. Villa Patria had also a cattering services, free use of the venue for 3 hours. Additional Php 300 per hour thereafter, free one round of softdrinks for weddings(food on us), complimentary room for the newlywed’s, buffet table with elegant skirting, individual floral centerpieces on guest’s table, chairs with white seat covers, plates, drinking glasses, cutleries and saucers.
                    Villa Patria is one of the most popular Hotel in Roxas City. The name Patria came from the name of Ms. Patria Norente, the mother of the owner of Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant.Ms.Josefa Norente the owner of Villa Patria Hotel and Restaurant.